Races 9 and 10 were held on Bell Bay on the 5th January 2013. a Variety of conditions were sailed in with race 9 starting in a light 5-8 knot sea breeze before swinging to the North East and strengthening to 15-18 knots for Race 10. Competition was tight as always with a number of position changes throughout.


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Race 9


(Race postponed)


Race 9 eventually saw the fleet head out on a 5 knot northerly with winds slowly building.  The start got away with a starboard line bias and the majority of the fleet hitting the left side of the course. ‘The Nude’ got away to a solid start and were clearly in front by the top followed by ‘Blown Seal’ and ‘onemoreforthebone’. The bulk of the fleet behind the leaders was closely bunched and the order changed depending on tactics taken by the skippers. Ritchie Reynolds held onto his lead narrowly and was first across the line. Guy managed to pick a few shifts down wind and put himself in a position to take out 2nd place only seconds behind ‘The Nude’, which saw Mark Lainson cross the line in 3rd ‘Epic’ followed in 4th and ‘Siren’ in 5th.


Race 10

After 2 general recalls race 10 finally got underway in fresh 10-15 easterly winds. Guy Bancroft and Lachlan Imeneo tacked out to the right and found themselves in a commanding lead. Richie and Lissa managed to fight their way back from 6th and place themselves in a position to call buoy room on 1mftb on the final gate rounding. The increased breeze gave some great rides with the kite to all competitors. The inconsistent shifty breeze saw multiple position changes both downwind and upwind. Although 1mftb were attacking The Nude, they were unable to re-take their lead by the finish and only managing a second but first overall. Ritchie and Lissa took their second win for the day and second overall. A solid performance was put in by Kelvin and Amy in ‘Clean Skin’ to take 3rd place with ‘Blown Seal’ 4th and ‘Siren’ 5th.



Race Video's at AUSB14TV: http://www.youtube.com/user/AUSB14TV?feature=watch

Results Here: http://www.yachting.org.au/site/yachting/results/tyc/2012/events/b14/index.htm