Once more the B14s took up the invitation to race at Thorpe Bay, though the rather late confirmation of the event had a drastic effect on the numbers actross all fleets.
An early start to the day was required thanks to the tides. On arrival, it looked like it was going to be a match racing championshoip special between Barry and Al in GBR 766 HBR Consulting and Geraldine Fermor-Brown and Leaky in GBR 786 Leaky Pipes, but with less than an hour to the start gun Simon and Nikki rocked up with GBR 770 Harken.
With the sun beaming down and enough breeze for even the heavier of crews to be out on the wing, conditions were set for fantastic racing. The start line was to be shared with a gaggle of 29ers with a magnetic attraction to the committee boat, even when the line was biased to the pin. Hopefully they'll learn. Two windward marks were laid, with the B14s (and the 49ers starting five muntes later) heading for the further one, nestled up near the pier.
With the tide still coming in, most headed out left towards the middle of the Thames. The three B14s stayed as a fairly tight pack, with the slightest mistakes being punished and tacks being traded up the beats. Wrapping the spinnaker sheet under the bow, or even capsizing, were not sesnible ideas.
By the third race, the tide had started to turn, and with the windward mark sitting on a slightly too long line there were traps for the unwary such as 766.
With some forecasts apparently predicting big things for Sunday, the race officer exercised his option to run the fourth race despite the dropping wind and the accelerating tide. The start saw 766 and 770 spat out of the pin end, with 766 able to tack and cross the transoms of the 29ers whilst 770 gybed off and round to follow , whilst 786 having got a better start found themselves trapped by 29ers that were still determined to go out into the river where the tide was strongest- though they still made the windward in the lead. 766 and 770 battled hard, with 770 making their lightweight work for them to finish ahead after a couple of runs where the tide was taking the boats sideways at an alarming rate.
The fleet headed in. With the time still early, some wandered off for an icecream and to explore the "delights" of Shoeburyness (don't bother!). On return, Simon and Nikki decided to head home for the night (having dispatched kids for the weekend), whilst those that stayed went wandering towards Southend itself. As we promenaded, the sight of a Crazy Golf course proved to be tempting. Here too Geri and Leaky proved to be keenly competitive.
Eventually we hopped on a bus back to the club for a rather good meal and several pints of excellent ale before retiring for the night.
Awaking to grey skies, it took a hearty breakfast t fire up the enthusiasm- though the solid breeze helped somewhat.
With 29ers still attempting to start by the committee boat and bear off on the gun, some were surprised to find B14s charging at full pelt through their carefully cultivated gaps. So surprised that they just kept bearing away... bad children.
With everyone at full stretch race 5 was once again a close one, but after Geri and leaky took yet another win, Simon and Nikki decided they'd had enough and headed home, leaving 766 and 770 to go round once more. With the sun breaking through conditions ccould hardly have been better- it was a pity the RO had been so keen the previous day.
So then, with a perfect scoreline Geri and leaky took the glassware, but they'll insist, rightly, that it was no easy victory. The club are going to endeavour to get the date for next year sorted ASAP so that it can be in the calender from the start of the year. We'll be back- we hope more of you are as well.