B14s and Mustos at Lake Garda
B14s and Musto Skiffs (c) Tim Olin


Advice for UK B14 (and Musto Skiff) Sailors Travelling to Lake Garda for the 2023 Worlds


This July, the B14 class and Musto Skiff class will be sharing an event week for their 2023 World Championship events at Circolo Vela Torbole, Lake Garda, Italy. Whilst the events will be hosted separately, the two classes have come together to source advice for those class members who will be travelling from the UK to Italy under the different European Union (EU) entry arrangements following the Brexit agreement.


Advice For UK Residents Travelling to the EU 


For UK based B14 and Musto Skiff sailors travelling to Europe for the 2023 Worlds with their boats in tow, the conclusion that has been reached with the RYA is that a Carnet is not required when a private traveller enters the EU with personal effects, means of transport or goods imported for sports purposes which they intend to re-export. However, there are some considerations and specifics that will be needed for travel. 


To help the class members prepare for travelling to the EU, the event organising team has created a ‘Border/Travel Requirements’ document with the RYA. The document, prepared on behalf of the B14s and Musto Skiff class members attending their 2023 Worlds in Italy, is available to download here 


In addition, the required EU Customs Form, ANNEX-71-01, is also available to download. 


In general, UK residents entering the EU are advised to check for any changes to their usual travel arrangements and any required documents (e.g., passports, travel insurance, driving documents), which may now be applicable as a direct result of the United Kingdom no longer being part of the European Union (EU).  The latest advice on how new Brexit rules apply to things like travelling, can be found on the UK Government website

Download this file (2023-Worlds-Travel-Requirements-21.04.23.pdf)2023-Worlds-Travel-Requirements-21.04.23.pdf[2023 Worlds Travel Requirements]90 kB
Download this file (EU-Customs-Form-ANNEX-71-01.pdf)EU-Customs-Form-ANNEX-71-01.pdf[EU Customs Delcaration Form]445 kB