The near-complete back catalogue of Wingflap, the magazine of the Australian fleet.

(PDF files)

The collection of B14nter, the newsletter of the UK, and sometimes European, fleet.

(PDF Files)

There are a few odds and ends to tidy up, but this is it so far - the new site! (finally...)

  • Report any troubles in the "Management" section of the Forums (unless you have a problem with the forum, then, erm... panic?)
  • Note to new Forum users - you have to register here for an account (right hand column). Existing users as you were.
  • If there is anything particular you miss from the old site then let me know on the Forum, I'll move it up the list of jobs.

gbr01The B14 fleet arrived at Grafham to be greeted by sunny skies and a fair breeze.

Sharing the course with the 29ers, the B14s were the first fleet to start, sailing on the outer course. The stage was set, in a shifty and gusty force 2 – 3, a story was to unfold.