Results attached, story to follow.

Here is the membership form for 2018!
The year runs from 1st March and the subscription has NOT increased, meaning its the same £35 it has been for many many long years.
Enter early before 10th Feb to get yourself a £5 discount too! (or pay by standing order)
Please complete the form and email it back to me with the date your paid, so I can tie up receipts to the right people!

See you on the water soon!

Download this file (2018 email membership form.docx)2018 B14 Class Membership Form[2018 B14 Class Membership Form]39 kB

After an hour of waiting for the wind to arrive, competitors hit the water in a building but none the less soft North Easterly. Light weight crews were keen to get on the water to make the most of their favoured conditions. In particular the chance was there for the Pommie B14s to show their prowess in the light shifty winds.