This years crown series was shaping up to be pretty big as always. The famous Green hockey turf was nowhere to be seen this year but the grass was greener than usual.

6 B14’s entered the series and light to moderate North to north westerlies were expected throughout the weekend associated with a large high sucking warm air down from the central deserts of Australia. This was associated with two of the hottest days of summer topping close to 40 degrees both days. 6 races were sailed across the two days of racing.

B14 Crown 2012

B14's hot off the startline on day 1 of the Bellerive Crown Series in Tasmania. Photo: Jane Austin

The 5th and final days racing was forecast to get underway in a 15 to 20 knot sea breeze, to the front runners excitement, it didn’t disappoint.

But before the final days entertainment a big thankyou must be said for all the sponsors that made this years B14 National Championships possible. Firstly a massive thankyou to Bohaul Express the naming rights sponsor for the Championships. Bohaul provided the class association with assistance to get us across the Nullabor to the other side of the home we call Australia. Without a single boat from the local area within Western Australia the whole B14 class has packed up and put on a serious road  show to make it all happen and its great to have the support of Bohaul Express to ensure its successful completion. A big thanks also to our prize sponsors for the regatta including: Irwin Sails, Bethwaite Design, CST Composites, Boyle and Grigg Airconditioning, Ronstan and Hunt Leather for making sure there was plenty of reward for such a big commitment from the sailors.

 Team 2

Download this file (Handicap Results B14 Perth 2012.pdf)Handicap Results B14 Perth 2012.pdf[Handicap Results B14 Perth 2011-12]420 kB
Download this file (Results B14 Nats Perth 2012.pdf)Results B14 Nats Perth 2012.pdf[Results B14 Nats Perth]888 kB

Racing Day 5 – Bohaul Express Australian B14 National Championships – Perth Dinghy SC – 6/01/2011

There were many challenges ahead for the final days racing. Pockets of competition were still alive throughout the fleet and everyone was keen to do well on the last day. The wind was blowing from the west-sou-west and gusting from 15 to 20 knots with the occasional squirt up to 25. The fleet got underway at about 1pm, 1 hour earlier than previous days.


Racing Day 4 – Bohaul Express Australian B14 National Championships – Perth Dinghy SC – 5/01/2011

The B14 Association had its AGM for the year today to discuss the latest and greatest things that have been going on around the country. Big News items included an introduction to the national titles venue in Tasmania next new year and a technical discussion on where things are at with changes the class has undergone and might look into. Also there has been a change to the guard for the National executive including Guy Bancroft Stepping down as Australian President and Sophie Hunt stepping down from her Secretary/Treasurer role. Taking over will be Adrian Beswick as incoming President and Daniel Watson as incoming Secretary/Treasurer. Both in their 20’s and very passionate about the class association and its development it will be great to see where things might end up in the coming years.

Day four of the national titles was looking to be a moderate but gusty North West breeze. Sailing around from the club it became apparent that the fleet was going to be expecting quite a bit more wind than first thought. Forecast at 13-18 knots the breeze throughout the afternoon was pushing 25knots at times.

 Startline Race 7 from behind