Racing Day 3 – Bohaul Express Australian B14 National Championships – Perth Dinghy Sailing Club – 4/01/2011

Its day three of the Australian B14 National championships and the fleet is becoming quieter at the breakfast table, pre race there was a lot of relaxing around the club lawns and some snoozing too. Last night crews organised their own meals, this included BBQ packs, Lasagne and an epic spaghetti bolognaise that was shared amongst 6 of the crews with much to spare.  There was much praise coming from the canteen ladies who were well impressed that two guys were heading up the meal preparation and keeping things clean. All the volunteers around the club have been putting so much effort, from the on water teams to the canteen ladies and also the bar men and women.

. Race 8 4th Jan 2012 008

Racing Day 2 – B14 National Championships – Perth Dinghy Sailing Club – 3/01/2011

Sailors left the beach in a strong and gusty South East breeze and the start boat was up the far north west corner of the bay. The fleet had mostly managed to repair what wounds it could before preparing to tackle the races ahead. Before the racing got underway the fleet waited a while whilst the wind settled in place for the PRO and I14 legend Stewart “Jock” Ross to set the course. Whilst the wind settled it eased down to a moderate to strong and gusty South Easterly.

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Racing Day 1 – B14 National Championships – Perth Dinghy Sailing Club – 2/01/2011

The first day of racing in the B14 National Championships got underway in a strong freshening seabreeze. 15 boats faced the starter and after a short delay the race got underway in choppy conditions.


Skiff champion wins State title


The 9th Tasmanian B14 State Titles were run by Midway Point Yacht Club over the weekend 26th - 27th March. Former dual National and runner up World Champion Nick Richardson won the series but not without some close tussles during the 8 race series. As is always the case with B14s the racing was very close with most races only decided in the last few metres, this proved exciting for the spectators and great fun for the sailors.